Panhellenic Council
Panhellenic shall be organized in recognition of the need to serve the Greek community to the best of our ability, and to cooperate with the University administration. The Panhellenic Association shall be a forum for the discussion of issues of interest and concern to all members of the Greek community and shall compile rules governing Panhellenic activity on the Texas Christian University campus.
Philanthropic Initiative:
Executive Board
President | Lila Wojcik |
VP of Management | Josie Mar |
VP of Recruitment Operations | Riley Hannaman |
VP of Recruitment Programming | Mallory Gallerano |
VP of Member Development | Clara Creed |
VP of Finance & Administration | Kate Shaw |
VP of Public Relations | Drew Dowdy |
VP of Service and Philanthropy | Sophia Quagliata |
TCU Panhellenic Website
Chapter: Iota Lambda
President: Michel Graham
Advisor: Leslie Moss and Grace Bregard
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter: Gamma Chi
President: Natalie Harris
Advisor: Lanie Bennett
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter: Rho Epsilon
President: Halle Hermes
Advisor: Lizzie Voigt
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter: Phi Lambda
President: Carter Ching
Advisor: Cindi Tate
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter: Gamma Tau
President: Meg Samuel
Advisor: Lisa Ford
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter: Zeta Chi
President: Abbie Orndorff
Advisor: Jana Clarke
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter: Gamma Psi
President: Grace Schafhauser
Advisor: Cassie Thompson and Isabella de Jesus
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter: Gamma Zeta
President: Kendra Bills
Advisor: Elizabeth Wood
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter: Epsilon Alpha
President: Caroline Teegarden
Advisor: Kellye Crawford
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter: Epsilon Iota
President: Sarah Daly
Advisor: Loretta Lemoine
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter:Texas Delta
President: Grace Allen
Advisor: Rebeka Bryne
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter: Kappa Eta
President: Ava Burton
Advisor: Ginger Thompson
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website
Chapter: Gamma Psi
President: Grace Flesher
Advisor: Paige Bacon
Council: Panhellenic Council
Chapter Website